1. to repeat and revise
2. act like a whore
3. to be fake.

1. Debbie: "I think Britt is rude lately, do you think she's PMSing?"
Ashley to Britt: "Debbie think's your PMSing cause you've been really bitchy lately. But I mean, I don't think you have."

2. Showing up in shorts that allow your ass to hang out, then acting sluttly around every guy in the room allowing them to think you're whoring and they can get some.

3. Marie drinks all the time.
Chloe: "I think drinking is kinda dumb, yanno?"
Marie: "Oh, ME TOO! I mean, it just wrecks your life. I don't like it when people do that."
Jackie: "Marie... stop whoring. You drink all the time."
by bbedoll jackie. July 28, 2007
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A cheap woman who has no morals and sleeps around with men in relationships
Dashini Pillay Cape Town photo needs to go up in the dictionary next to the word whore
by Voice of CT February 1, 2015
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A woman who sleeps with you for something in exchange, usually money.
That whore cost me 200 dollars.
by undertheinfluence March 24, 2005
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A whore whore is someone who uses the word whore as a suffix or second part of a noun too much.
Kelsey the whorewhore called Megan a fuckwhore and her boyfriend a computerwhore, or nerd. Whore,whorewhore. h0r. h0rnee. horny. horn-ee. Well anyways, she called me a ‘horn whore’.. That whore whore.
by Victor Van Styn September 25, 2005
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1. full of whores
2. so awful, it can not just be described by the word "awful"
"My internet exploded."
"That's whoreful."
by jankit November 23, 2007
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someone who works as a prositute. We get payed a decent amount to keep a roof over our heads. Though we can get hooked on drugs. I get payed decent money and resort to this to put food on the table. We do it cause we have no other choice.
Im a whore. i DO what i have to do to get by.
by Angel Vitale. January 14, 2008
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to be made fun of horribly.
Yo dat pimp got whored son!
by charley watts April 10, 2004
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