air space caused by another person in the bed sleeping so close that the blankets don't have enough space to sag down and cover the exposed back or shoulder
My wife loves me so much that every night she tucks in the covers to close off the blanket vent.
by dp May 7, 2003
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The sudden purging of toxic pungent foul gas released from a "silent but deadly" fart from your partner, when all you were trying to do was adjust the covers. Otherwise the covers, if left undisturbed would have probably gradually dissipated the gas without you ever knowing.
All I tried to do was turn over, when all of a sudden I was annihilated by a massive dutch venting.
by CannonRD January 7, 2013
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It is the act of having sex on the balcony of a hotel in front of the external air conditioning vent. The guests on the inside of the hotel room will be able to smell the ass (sex).
Will you two knock that ass venting off out there on the balcony because it is reaking of ass in here.
by Dapril August 9, 2006
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Participating in fornication via relay voice messaging on Ventrilo.
"Im so fucking horny want to have vent sex?"
"Im already stroking my cock, OVER"
"Do you want me to come over?"
"Yes I want you to come! OVER"
"No, do you want me to come over? Why do you keep ending all your sentences in over?"
"Why do I keep ending all my sentences in what? OVER"
by iheartbeer December 2, 2009
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An excuse to drink beer. Mainly from the coors light commercial when guy gets called on his phone and his buddy needs to vent as in talk about things. But when he shows up there talkin about the new "vented can on coors light".
*answers the phone* Doc: whats up man.....oh im there for you buddy. That was Nick he really needs to.....VENT.

Guys girlfriend: You should go.
(shows up at nicks house)

Doc :Ready to vent....
Nick :Lets vent....
(holds up 12 pack)
Nick :LEZZ VENT!!!
by juggaload55 July 11, 2008
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The person or thing in the air vent, in a movie, when the main character goes into the vent. Mostly found in horror films.
Shouting at screen: Oh my god! Run! The vent-scooter's gonna get you!
by pineapplex February 7, 2010
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The act of venting and hiding for an indefinite time in the game "Among Us". The goal of this strategy is to wait until someone is right over the vent to kill then immediately going back in the vent. This strategy is used mainly by new players who are trying to not act suspicious, but are usually voted out instantly for not having a solid alibi.
Yellow: Where is the body?

In Electrical Right Over the Vent :Blue
Yellow: Where was everybody?

I was with Green :Blue

He was: Green
Yellow: I was with Orange
Yellow: Red, where were you

In ....ummm.. Medbay? :Red
Yellow: LIES I was there with orange

Yeah I saw yellow do scan :Orange
Yellow: I think you were vent camping

Wait NO :Red
Yellow: The jig is up TIME TO DIE
by TheSerperiorMaster October 5, 2020
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