Entertainment value. You have your wages, holiday pay, vacation and benefits. Then you have the entertainment value. Often worth more on a day to day basis than all the rest of the compensation from work. It's sometimes the only way to get to the end of the day.
Chuck: "Hey Bob, how's it going today?"
Bob: "This place is run by idiots. I can't take it any more."
Chuck: "Well Bob, you can always look for the entertainment value!"
by Chessgrandpa June 10, 2010
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Initially a threesome, but can be upgraded using various names of Burger King meals. Such as the Whopper Value Meal, which consists of hot twins and yourself, the Whopper Jr. Value meal, a hot chick and her equally hot younger sister. If need be even the Double, Triple, or Quad Stacker to create a threesome, foursome or fivesome respectively. Many more variations are available, feel free to be imaginative. Also, take note that if you are indeed a woman, feel free to substitute the women for men unless you are a lesbian which is always completely acceptable.
Man I just hooked up and got myself a Whopper Jr. Value Meal with a chick and her younger sister. Both very hot.
by Capn26 September 14, 2007
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Family values are values which dictates how a family lives. One family might value healthy habits, while another family might value anarchy, thus having no values (still having no values is a value).
Father #1: What have I told you before son? No smoking coccaine in the house! I value healthy habits and I'll make sure this whole family values it as well!

Father #2: Son, remember this value, no values are good values. So if you forget this value well good for you! Now have some of this fine coccaine!
by Chronic Logic March 8, 2007
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Value Chain, a fake ass chain that niggers wear and say it real bling. Made of plastic.
Yo, you see that nigga with that value chain? Damn, thats some weak shit.
by K-Frizzle June 10, 2004
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Nothing it just an jpeg...
Why would you buy it?
You-hey! Do you have any NFT'S?
¿?-yeah why do you ask?
You-oh and how do you think its worth?
¿?- 500k-1M
You-nah i think its worth 0
¿?- why?
You- its just a fucking jpeg you can get it for free with 2 fucking clicks that the fucking NFT value
by Lsunix456 July 18, 2022
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One who finds pleasure in a bargain
“We can stay at an Airbnb in Palm Springs. No we can stay at my buddy’s swanky place instead. Don’t worry it’ll be discounted because he knows I’m a value seeker.”
by Okoboji June 30, 2021
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A word which originated from Tesco, their own items which are cheaper.

Now used by Roadmen to call peoples things cheap and low-quality.
Person 1 : Did you see Seulgis new car?
Person 2 : It's Tesco Value man
by TheNewKidInTheEnds May 19, 2018
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