A White person who hates and attacks their own race. If you see a White person railing against "racists" and "White supremacists" (translation: White people who don't hate themselves) you know you are dealing with a race traitor
Fred constantly says anti-White crap then acts shocked when he is called out for being anti-White. He's too stupid to even realize he is a race traitor.
by Canviale January 17, 2023
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People who prefer a different ethnicity or cultural identity to their own.

Race traitor is often applied incorrectly to women who would date a black guy as well as white guy as long as they had the right personality.
Wiggers who take pride in renouncing their “whiteness” really are race traitors.
by Bobby Cusack January 15, 2007
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1) Bradley Manning

2) a man who's SO cowardly, he'd sell out his country for a sex-change operation.
"I am tired of hearing about Manning in the news, he's a fucking 'Dickless Traitor'!"
by JakeSet January 29, 2018
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A man who beats up his girlfriend, and or the act of pouring Hot Grease on your penis!
You're a Traitor Snake!
by Countryslayer August 12, 2023
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A man who beats his girlfriend, or the act of pouring Hot Grease on your penis.
by Countryslayer August 12, 2023
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A public official that betrays their duties on behalf of a corporation instead of a foreign country.
Fuck Ajit Jai, he's such a corporate traitor.
by Deimosian November 26, 2017
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