When a male's pants are too tight in the crotch and form what looks like a vagina. Aka man cunt
Damn, Anthony's pants are too tight! I can see his munt!
by Pansithero March 8, 2015
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A man's anus - partiuclarly when thought of as an object of homosexual desire. compare: MANGINA. Derived from the combination of man + vulgar female genitalia.

also used as a verb to imply reaming: munts, munted, munting
That dude's got a hot munt.

- or as verb -

He was munted by the boss.
by Bad Peter February 27, 2006
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The VERTICAL dividing piece in a multi-paned window frame. (As opposed to the horizontal divider/s which are called mullions.)
The rock, having been partially deflected by the munting, cracked the window rather than shattering it entirely.
by Xavier_Ninnis August 27, 2018
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Jim: What about tracey ?
Dave: na shes a munt.
Jim: Fair enough
by connor maxwell March 6, 2007
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Originally came from the phrase "man cunt", and is commonly used in place of the word "bitch" when describing a female of the annoying, bitchy, (and usually drunk) variety
That munt puked all over me at the party last weekend
by Spinneh December 30, 2011
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A man-cunt, the male version of the popular descriptive cunt (commonly used when referring to a woman).
by NicoleFuckedYourUncle May 1, 2008
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to be ugly, disfigured or deformed from birth as the result of inbreeding or poor genetics, mentally retarded or stupid, an idiot, a moron, psychologically and/or socially disabled.
So many people in Geelong are munted because of the closed, low quality gene pool.
by charmingdiamond January 4, 2011
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