A sexual act involving two or more parties; lines of granola or trail mix are lined along the ass crack near the anus, after which, a partner then eats the granola from the ass crack. A chain of this may or may not occur.
We are going to go horse troughing at the party.

Jim and Fred are horse troughers.

Hey, open this granola. I wanna try horsetroughing.

That girl likes to get horse troughed.

Tony tried to horse trough himself.
by Mikomonkeyman January 26, 2019
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A urinal screen, (USA), used to reduce splashing, and impart pleasant scent to pee. Believed to be a variant of the Australian "Trough lolly"
Yowza! I gotta go water the trough waffle!
by Crsworks December 27, 2021
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1---"its like a water trough for horse but it has wheat in it" ---- definition by a mental patient i worked with when i asked him what a wheat trough was.

2---alternative to calling someone a douche bag.

3---People with the first name Evan
"dude you are being such a wheat trough."

"what the fuck did you just do, did you pour that bag of wheat in the horse's water trough? hell yes i did, now its a wheat trough"

"God Evan sometimes you can really be a wheat trough."
by Harddrive September 25, 2008
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When someone rudely drops a duece in the urnial thus hogging the trough. Trough Hog
I was at the game and had to pee so bad I almost wet my pants. But some jerk before me had dropped off a trough hog in the only open urinal so I had to wait.
by HossDaddy206 March 31, 2011
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A common insult that does not necessarily have any extreme negative or sexual connotations.
"Herbert forgot to take out the trash again...

...what a Jizz Trough."


"Hey can you get me some milk from the fridge?"


"C'mon, don't be such a Jizz Trough."
by bobbysansvetements December 8, 2009
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When your nose starts running suddenly, usually resulting in a heavy flow of snot, you can curl your upper lip and tip your head back to create a snot trough.
Gotta curl that upper lip 'cause I need a snot trough!
by Author1992 September 13, 2019
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A feeding trough created for luring cougars into a viewing area. The trough should be 45"-55" long, 15"-20" wide, and exactly 16" deep. If the trough is placed more than 6 inches above the ground it will not be effective in luring cougars. Make sure that you view the cougars from further than 50' away; they are dangerous animals that can attack suddenly; especially if the food in the trough is not prepared correctly. The bait should be fresh, raw meat, with a hint of tomato seasoning. Important! Cougars will rarely visit a cougar trough on the first day it is constructed; be patient!
The best way to observe a cougar in the wild is to construct a Cougar Trough to lure him in.
by SDZoo BigCat Keeper August 16, 2011
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