The removal of a male's foreskin at a very late time in his life. Most common late circumcisions occur when a foreign male comes to the US in his teens and wants to be circumsized to fit in with all the other dudes.
Duder: "What's going on man? How was your weekend?"

Foreigner: "Oh man you won't believe this. I got circumsized."

Duder: "Say what!?! Dude you're 14! Didn't that shit hurt?"

Foreigner: "Yea man, you have no idea. It is still killing me."

Duder: "That is one tardy circumcision for sure!"
by westfalia January 4, 2010
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Vulgar term for the anus, rectum and bowels. Named after the main character's transportation machine in the popular UK Sci-Fi programme "Dr.Who". The 'tardis' held a lot more than it looked from the outside.
The customs officer got ready for another trip into the dung tardis.
by chris wheelie April 28, 2005
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the female vagina. Velvet relating to the deep red colour and silky texture, Tardis referring to the amazing hidden capacity of said orifice.
jesus christ it was like fuckin a bucket....
by stone flint May 31, 2004
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I. the act of being tardy on more than one occasion

II. retarded
I. Attention all, Bill is still sick, he is going to be re-tardy for work today.

II. Are you re-tardy?
by oakaro68 October 19, 2009
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Its when you leave the pub after many a bevvie, and suddenly your home , transversing time and space in a split second, that is your beer tardis, named after the phone box in Doctor Who..
'I dont know how i got back last night, im must of got my beer tardis home..."
by Evil-Ernie July 16, 2003
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When you are dating an SLP (Speech and Language Pathologist) who works with disadvantaged or special needs children and you cant be trusted not to drop the word RETARD so you come up with a proper alternative that she will have no clue what you are referring to until she finds this post.
noun: Dont be a Rickie Tardis!
adjective: Thats just Rickie Tardis! or "you fucking rickie tardis"
by Smarter than your average bear September 29, 2021
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If you are too late in keeping the spill of your condom from dripping onto your partner you have a tardy patch! It comes from mustard patch which I heard these cheerleaders back in high school talking about in front of my locker.
Babycakes, I left my tardy patch on your quilt. Sweetie Pie get out of my bed please and go take a bath.
by hexicon September 13, 2006
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