Brand of sanitizer used for hand-washing to decrease bacteria on the skin. *Effective at eliminating over 99.99% of many common harmful germs and bacteria in as little as 15 seconds. Special moisturizes leave hands smooth.

Can be a great substitute for when soap and water are not within reach.
Yo, Jimmy! My hands are all sticky after I fondled. Gimme some o' that Germ-X!!
by Olga R. October 23, 2007
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An individual of mixed race, who is half German and half Croatian.
"Did you know my half German, half Croatian friend Pete is whats known as a Germ-Rat
by Bsequencer April 12, 2009
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When you use germ-x periodically to clean your hands because you feel dirty. can be a verb.
You shake someone's hand and use germ-x afterwards.

Have you germ-xed your hands yet?
Hold on I'm germ-xing!
Oh God Im out of germ-x!
by Adam Sexton February 20, 2008
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A penis infested with one or more of the various sexually transmitted diseases/infections.
I heard Jim straight fucked your mom with his germ stick, and now that bitch's pussy be makin more cheese than the state of Wisconsin!
by Jim Haze April 27, 2006
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Dave: Dude, feels like I'm wearing wool under-roo's.
George: You got the cock germs bro...
by BoozieSuz April 3, 2016
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What you call one of your best friends that is cool, wild, and SEXY. But also a little classy
by Sexy germ daddy October 15, 2016
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