Savage early '90s British TV show known for mindless violence, usually involving frying pans.
Originally titled Your Bottom, e.g. "Did you see Your Bottom last night?"
Richie: I must be hallucinating.
Eddie: We'll soon find out (Sticks fork in Richie's eye and yanks out again) Now, did that hurt?
Richie: Yes, mightily.
Eddie: Then you're probably awake.
Dude #1: Yo, did you see Bottom yesterday?
Dude #2: Yeah, it was awesome.
(They recite a sketch)
by Ben Abbots November 11, 2006
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A bottom is a position used during intercourse to define who’s the none dominant
Matthew is such a bottom, but I love him anyways
by droggy10000 December 16, 2019
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(n) - bottomings consist of a mixture of sweets, usually with ice cream. Similar to toppings, but it is on the bottom.
Andrew likes to put nut bottomings in his ice cream.
by i dunno iono oreo April 19, 2010
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The back end of the human body.

Also see "rectum"
"Hello please, would you like to spank my bottom?"
by Dr A. Ris February 14, 2003
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When you go to a party with an Empty pop bottle and get everyones skunk piss/bottom of drinks.
Person 1: I call bottoms
Party: Man thats sick as fuck.
Person 1: but it gets you balls deep in drunkness.
by whty February 9, 2008
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