When a person in need of a lay has made several attempts at scoring with slumpbuster things being desperate and the onset of boom boom backup at hand, one digs deep into the ugly for a three legged hyena. This individual is, well, hideous and serves only one purpose, to release the pressure and help get back on track scoring.
Damn did you see _____ last night? That sure was a three legged hyena they went home with!
by BossSaxo July 27, 2017
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A cougar, but 10-20 years older. Characterized by looser skin, dated clothing, and a closer resemblance to your grandmother than your mother. Shares the same need as cougars to feed on the souls/cocks significantly younger men.
Hey, check out those cougars over there. Those aren't cougars, they're like 50. Those are brown spotted hyenas.
by calicanuck July 2, 2013
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When a woman tells a man to close his eyes while he has an erection. Then she shoves a blue sharpie up his dick, making sure to break it so the blue ink comes out of his piss hole. Then, while the man looks at her like she's a maniac, she laughs in his face.
Fratboy1: Man, yesterday my girl did a Blue Hyena to me.
Fratboy2: Dude, you are kidding!
Fratboy1: I'm not! She said it was payback for doing the Alaskan Firedragon to her the other day.
by gorugora April 25, 2010
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start off doggie style
flip too front
position her knees hehind her shoulders
(continue vaginal intercourse if situation warrants)
explain the mutual exchange in the stock market
POW!! BAM!! FLAP!!! shoehorn penis into anal cavity
(ensue in unadulterated activity; to ones personal preface)
finish on her chin with a grin
congratulations you have successfully completed the

i.e.definition "Hyena Rebound (i.e.sneak attack)"
by monkey piss 2.0 October 11, 2011
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a sexual act involving several Jewish men (usually connect via Craigslist) and a bowling alley that typically results in a mess.
“Hey did you hear about Sally? She totally got the Winded Hyena for her birthday.”
by NAMSARK July 23, 2019
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The Hyena man is a man in a African village that will take the virginity’s of little girls 10+
by Mäbyë February 3, 2020
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To make a chick laugh so hard she pisses herself.
"Hey Gard, your missus had a golden hyena!"
by Yurrick Hunt February 6, 2010
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