the type of relationship that people only dream of. filled with love, safety, lust, cuteness, fun, queerness, passion, compassion and respect. this relationship inhabits all lifetimes.
person 1: what kind of relationship are you looking for?
person 2: I'm looking for a dD.
by anarchy:) February 3, 2023
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Dirty delete. Removing one's post because it didn't go well for you, after people are already commenting in the thread.
It's gonna be a DD folks, get your screenshots!
by SpencerStreet May 8, 2021
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short for Drop Dead Sexy there is also DDSB which is short for Drop Dead Sexy Beast
Damn, she's DDS
by )(*)( March 17, 2010
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DDS is a name for the excrements who worship the dictator and mass murdered and corrupt presedent of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte.

DDS also synonymous to stupid, garbage, waste of human and/or any animal.
Boy #1: "Paglaki ko, gagayahin ko Nanay ko!"
Boy #2: "Eh DDS nanay mo, di ba? So, magigi kang malaking tae?"
Boy #1: *cries and abandons mother
by Beehive1234 December 4, 2020
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Girl: "Why do you treat me like some dumb sorority girl?"
Guy: "It's not how it looks. I really do care about you..."
Girl: "Well then what's with those pictures of you and my roommate?"
Guy: "Sorry?"
Guy: "Hello?"
Guy: "Did you just DDS me?"
Girl is offline.
by collyrobbins October 9, 2009
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An abbreviation for "Daily Deviation" on deviantart.

A daily deviation is suggested by a deviant and selected, or put up, by a staff member.
Once it is selected by a staff member, it is put up under the "Features" section of the Today page on deviantart.
It will stay there for the entire day.
Did you see that guy's DD? It was amazing!
by Graduisic June 27, 2006
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