An annoying ass girl who wears vans, galaxy backpacks, tribal print leggings, and "obey" sweatshirts. You can find them at your local mall, probably with a group of mall girls and boys(mall boys are the worst).
Me: "Hey look at those mall gurls"
Friend: "damn, I'm glad I'm not a mall gurl"
by Aswirl November 22, 2014
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u got dat white gurl, and i aint talking about dat lindsey lohan.
by johnny123 March 20, 2006
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a (way cooler) way to say "home girl". basically, addressing anyone ever. AND EVERYONE SAYS THIS, THEY DO.
home gurl keeps giving me the lesbian face and it is not cool.
by ihazicecream October 13, 2008
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The kooLest girly gurL in the world who can get away with overkiLLing the colour pink and the extreme usage of obese smilies.
What do you mean you don't know Giusi gurL? She's only the kooLest gurL ever!!
by shoRe November 29, 2004
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Means jood which is a really cute human being she’s like a model and slays ur whole existence she’s like the prettiest person you’ll ever meet everyone wants to be as pretty and kind as her
Y’all shes my baby gurl you don’t get near her
by Cupcakecute June 4, 2018
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Material Gurl is a term used whenever a young girl (about aged 14 and up) feel like they have power. They are basically female version of black air force energy, although they like to buy expensive shit.
by IcyZShiny January 27, 2022
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