As a student systems admin at my college,
our group office was across the hall from one of our Middle Eastern professors. We
often had talks of sexual nature with our
office door open. At one point we imagined
him complaining about us in a heavy accent
and trying to say cock and tits.
All dat dey are talking about is cyock and teets!
by Dan Logcher June 30, 2004
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Teet yeet- when somebody is offended by you breast feeding in public, so you shoot breast milk into their eye to teach them to mind their own fucking business
Eg. "I was feeding my baby and this man told me I shouldn't get my boobs out in public, so I teet yeeted that perverted fuck to teach him a lesson"
by Sinnerbuns November 1, 2020
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Man Nipples.
Also the gay act of suckin on man titties.
The Wang guru and Master Wang love to Man teet each other continously in French class
by Student October 9, 2004
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The energy drink co. owned by Teets.

"Just like milk from your moms teets except carbonated"
Teets Juice always wakes me up in the mornin.

its better than a blumpkin or alabama hot pocket
by Darrick Teeter August 24, 2008
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Gender neutral and far superior variant of "busting your balls"


Yankin' yer chain.
Jerkin' ya shaft.
Ticklin' your peaches.
Flicking your tits.
Pinching your pud.
Guy: That shirt blows.
Girl: OMG WTF.
Guy: I'm just torquing your teets.
Dude, you've gotta be torquin' my teets.
by Androecium February 14, 2014
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The words you use to describe your un-fondness of having boobs on your sheets.
Man, I hate having teets on my sheets every night!
by swodaemyasdnil April 3, 2011
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