1. A place where it is common to find a person hunched over masterbating.
2. Any area with a quiet corner, preferably in a room with fewer than 7 people.
3. Like a train station, except you masterbate there.
The other day Tom was walking down the street, and noticed an abandoned ice cream truck; there were only 2 hobos inside, so he crawled to the front seat and made it a mobile Masturbation Station!!
by D-Smoov December 1, 2006
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Anyone who looks or acts like the bums that hang around at stations but are not actually bums. The most distinguishing feature of a station rat is the smell - they smell as if they have smoked and eaten garlic for the past six years and not bathed once. This means you, station rat.
Station rat one: Gee, Dylan, yo smell like a kajigger!
Station rat two: thanks, Deanne, you too!
Station rat three: hey dudes! hows it smellin'?
Station rat one and two: hey roland
Station rat one: you smell like you've slept in a ditch full of cigarettes and bums
Station rat three: i haven't
Station rat two: i have
Other station rats: ........
by Ratta June 14, 2006
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A safe place where a group of two or more guys can masturbate. Ex: a truck stop restroom.
John had been blueballing all week because he was going to the creamery station on Friday
by SaraField June 7, 2018
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n. A woman of questionable character and loose morals.
Syn: Service station, cum dumpster, frat mattress, hot dog in a hallway, dick garage, semen suckler, cum guzzler, everlasting gobstopper, your mother
A: "What's the plan for tonight?"
B: "Get shitfaced and find an ejaculation station, bro."
by Knowledgable Bystander November 10, 2010
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Traveling the long, scenic route to simultaneous orgasms, taking place between two best friends, one male and one female; one of the two people must be in a relationship with another person. CAUTION: Obey the speed limit of 25 MPH or you will end up in POUNDTOWN. To summarize sensation station, it is romantic/passionate sex between two people who are not a couple.
I was taken to sensation station by Scott last night, and it was MIND BLOWING....so much more of an enjoyable trip than last time, when Anthony took me to poundtown with his captain longdong.
by DoodleNuts September 23, 2010
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The area of your house that is set up stricly for masterbation. Can include but not limited to: computer, chair, towel.
don't worry about that closet, that's just my bation station.
by qwik5 October 21, 2010
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an orgy where boys line up in one line and girls line up in another. They fuck eachother for five minutes and then rotate clockwise so you meet a different person and fuck them. AWESOME STUFF. When doing it, people normally should use a comdom. If you want to be tough, use no condom.
i invited people over to my house and setup fucking stations.
by mike dick May 9, 2007
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