The act of jazzing in your hand and discreetly tossing it into the ceiling fan as you leave the bedroom.
last night I gave Michelle the ol' Hungarian snowstorm when I finished.
by deevon the dude May 25, 2017
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When a girl is sprinkles baby-powder on her vagina, and the queefs, creating a white powdery cloud.
I couldn't even see because when I finally got her naked, she New England Snowstormed me!
by FearTheBeard5555 February 22, 2015
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A sexual act, consisting of brushing dandruff from your pubic hair onto a girls face after she has finished giving you a blowjob.
Frank: "How did your date last night go?"
Paul: "Man, it was awesome! We went back to my double wide, and she let me give her a Mason-Dixon Snowstorm!"
by ShopMonkey March 10, 2022
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When several men ejaculate onto the facial hair of a heavily bearded man.
Last night I took part in what may have been the snowiest Rocky Mountain Snowstorm of all time.
by Touchy The Clown August 12, 2018
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When someone (preferably the opposite sex) takes a mouthful of your load and spews it over your privates.
You walk into a chinese massage parlor and ask for the 'special' the receptionist asks, "So, you wanna Snowstorm on the Mountain Top?"
by Willing Donkey September 10, 2009
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Meteorologists are reporting 4"-6" of snowfall overnight. Sounds like an Irish Snowstorm
by ReedGomperts January 17, 2012
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