Snapping one's fingers in place of the words "That's what she said." Generally used when actually saying "That's what she said" would be inappropriate, such as when at one's mother's house, at work, or at a funeral.
dude 1: "Hey boss, this guy is looking for some work, think we could help him out?"

boss: "Sure, I have two positions to fill, why not use him?

dude 2: *snap*

dude 1: *fist bump*
by Brolaf October 19, 2010
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Snaps; meaning; currency;money; investments.
I need some more snaps, my account is getting low
by Jibs007 September 1, 2017
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The thing that Thanos does when he wants you to not feel so good
by Deme Mealer October 29, 2018
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Sound resulting from impact of end digit of one's middle finger against one's ring finger when latter is rested upon base of one's thumb, resulting from middle finger being pressed at angle against ball of thumb until pressure overcomes friction of contact between middle finger and thumb, at which time inertial friction yields to pressure and middle finger alights rapidly upon ring finger; NOTE: all actions described occur in single hand. Word.
Yo 'sup can you snap? Didn't think so, fool.
by Truth2Power July 29, 2004
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an exclamation used upon hearing or seeing something surprising and exiting, or when describing the thing to others, such as a gorgeous member of the opposite sex or a big party coming up soon; generally accompanied by a snap made with the index finger brought down against the middle finger, like a director snapping, "action!"
You missed a killer show last night, bro! They got down! And, SNAP!, the place was crawling wall to wall with tight booties! It was on!
by maldog November 2, 2006
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Oh Snap! I forgot to bust a cap in jimmys ass last night.
by Travis December 5, 2002
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1/. An exclamation made when you notice pairs or multiples of an object or image, ie 2 people wearing the same shirt or driving the same car, or seeing a pair of twins etc. First one to notice the pair loudly says the word 'Snap!' to gain kudos. Originated from an traditional card game where ir a pair is made the word 'Snap!' is shouted, but applied to the real world.

2/. An exclamation used when catching or seeing someone doing something they didnt want anyone to see. Originated from the word 'snapshots' taken by cameras. When catching someone ther word 'snap!' is loudly exclaimed to let them know you saw them. The seen person is then said to have been 'snapped'. Widely used in New Zealand
1./ When I saw she had the same red top and black jeans as that other chick, I had to say "Snap!"

2./ I saw the students smoking behind the pavilion, and they knew it because I shouted "Snap!"
by denzak February 18, 2013
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