When someone is fucked so much in the asshole and are filled with so much cum, that when they can walk a trail of cum is secreted resembling that of a snail's trail.
In prison, John's nickname was "snail trail", for the trail of cum he left on the ground as he slowly walked around.
by Bobbith E. Jordan February 11, 2008
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When a female wipes off her vagina juices on to her hand, then smears it down her lover's face.
Guy 1: "Do you like getting snail trails?"

Guy 2: "Sure do. I love my face getting wet with vagina juice!"
by jaam121388 December 4, 2010
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The infamous "Snail trail" or more acurately, the avoidance of said trail, is why GaWd gave women legs...
Adam: "Oh Eve, why I havent slipped in a snail trail since you got way taller."
Eve: "Yes, and now I can reach those apples."
by CunningLinguist January 5, 2005
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When you drag your sweaty ballsack across someone's forehead, causing a trail of sweat across their face.
"Dude you should tea bag that guy he's really pissing me off"

"Naw, I'll just give him a mendocino snail trail, my nuts were getting hot anyway."
by Mike (Chunky the monkey) January 14, 2009
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A woman takes a long time getting from point A to point B, therefore leaving 1 or more gentlemen on hold.
My lady friend said she had to pee before leaving. It took about 10 minutes for her to finally show. Slow as a snail trail I would say.
by Mayack419 April 10, 2010
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When two girls get really wet and drag their pussies across bedsheets to see who can leave the longest pussy juice line on the sheet.

Typically both girls would be next to eachother either on their stomach or on their backs. Each girl would grind their pussy into the bedsheet while moving upwards toward the end of the bed in an attempt to leave the longest trail of pussy juice. When the juice drys it will appear shiney and slimy as if a snail had crossed the bed.
I had two girls over last night in my bed and they had a snail trail race.
by Bigdadddyz April 23, 2017
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