A Saying That People Say When Someone States The Obvious
Person 1:Oh Crap its school tomorrow

Person 2:No Shit Sherlock
by Fragileman March 25, 2015
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A fictional character created by author Sir Aurthur Conan Doyle. Set in the late 1800s, this British detective uses deductive reasoning to solve the cases given to him. He has a sidekick named Dr. Johnathan Watson.
Sherlock Holmes is one of the greatest literary characters known to man.
by Ted Mozby January 7, 2008
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A very sarcastic way of saying: obviosly.
(Sherlock Holmes was a detective in a classic series of books.)
by colonel klink March 29, 2005
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One of the best shows on British Television at this very moment. A wonderful, fresh take on the classic stories originally told by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

It stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock and Martin Freeman as Dr. John Watson.

Sherlock is set in the 21st century and features new, innovative ways of telling Sherlock's story.
"Have you seen BBC Sherlock? It's the best show I have seen in a long time."
by Dante Radek January 1, 2012
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The witty response to a statement of sorts
Sam: Ugh I wear too much makeup!
Drew: Yeah, no shit Sherlock!
by Drew Diamond February 18, 2017
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No shit sherlock is used to insult someone who is stating to blatant obvious. similar to "you don't say" or "thanks captain obvious!"

if someone is saying something obvious instead of saying "no fucking shit" you would add "sherlock" to it just to insult them further.
dude1: hey there is a hole in the boat i think we may sink
dude2: no shit sherlock
by soodinym June 9, 2016
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A long and semi-thick shit that shoots out of the rectum so quick that it hits the back of the bowl at a high rate of speed causing the turd to bend into the shape of Sherlock Holmes' pipe. Very common in public and office bathrooms which contain small amount of water in a sitting toilet bowl.
"I went to drop a log in the men's room but Paul Mahoney left a Sherlock pipe floating above the water line!"
by thewildeydruid April 11, 2012
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