Oral sex you have in public which is the right of every human on the planet. Some believe that it is no worse than breast feading in public.
by Deep blue 2012 March 8, 2010
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when a rock hard dick enters your vagina
He wanted me to have oral sex
by Hotlava9000 January 15, 2021
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Another way of saying 69.
Me and my wife had mutual oral sex last night and it was really good.
by ORIGINATEDGENIO June 18, 2017
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What happens when two persons (who are married or otherwise partnered to each other) use their mouths to stimulate each other's bodies sexually.

These two persons can be of the same or opposite sex but they are always in an established long-term relationship or married. So they are always older than 35.

The main differences between 'oral sex - no limits' and the other kinds of oral sex is that:

There are no limits to the parts of either body that can be stimulated in this way, which is further enhanced by the fact that ...

There are no time limits, nobody has to leave because they are both at home and beholden to no other person.

Most married persons find that their enjoyment of this increases with passing time. They aren't kids anymore and every time this is practised it just gets better.
For over thirty years I have had a lot of heaven regularly because my wife and I enjoy oral sex - no limits.
by StillSexuallyActive February 4, 2010
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an informal test where members of some clics or sorotities ask a perspective new member a lot of questions about sex to see if she knows enough to join.
did you pass your oral sex test?
by Deep blue 2012 August 24, 2009
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means that no matter where he goes he gets to have oral sex with women
Josh: I've got so much money i could have oral sex anywhere

dequan: damn dude that's what we call international oral sex
by bigdoodbigtits August 24, 2018
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To rub a girl's clitoris with your nose. The act comes from an "Eskimo Kiss" which is when two people are rubbing their noses against each other's.
The Eskimo Oral Sex can be used as a foreplay or just to tease your girlfriend.
Girl: "What is that? Are you really doing it with your nose?"

Boy: "Yeah, it's called Eskimo Oral Sex."

Girl: "Get the fuck out of my house."
by Majkl666 September 18, 2021
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