A singing-talentless person who deliberately chooses songs at karaoke that are painful to listen to and who uses their power or authority to inflict their singing on others.
John: Man, President Watanabe's singing is terrible! Why does he always take us to karaoke? And he's the boss so I can never say no...

Yumiko: That guy is a pure karaoke sadist!
by Lex Sleuthor May 29, 2009
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someone who might not be sadistic or cruel, but finds the pain or misfortune of others amusing.
"Ben laughed when I fell yesterday - he has such a sadistic sense of humour."
by euphoria09 December 13, 2009
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He makes the rules and you can trust that he has your best interests at heart and in mind. Perfect calm assertive dominance. Sex involves the body. Great sex involves the mind. His demons dance with your madness and silence your mind. He'll give you the shirt off his back, but he'll probably whip you with it first. Super fun and always has a smile even when the weight of the world is on his back.

Favorite color is "No pants" if you ever lucky enough to be caught by one of these friendly neighborhood sadists, you'll be tied up shibari styled and hanging from bamboo in no time. I wouldn't plan on leaving any time soon. ♡ from the first touch can light a fire inside of you that cannot be extinguished.

Only the one that hurts you
Can make you feel better
Only one that inflicts pain

Can take it away

Aka a Charlie

Friend 1- Hey is that Christian Grey?

Friend 2 - No! NO! That's your friendly neighborhood sadist! They are way better and more creative.
by Gelflingeye October 8, 2021
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A sexual game involving a partner whom is a sadist, & one who is not. When the sadist inflicts pain on his/her partner to get pleasure, he/she removes an article of clothing at the descretion of the partner. Continue the game as close to clothless as you wish. Enjoy ;)
Girl 1: my boyfriend last night was having one of his sadist fantasies while I was getting the shit beat out of me. I uggested we have a sadist strip session to even the playing fields

Girl 2: really? How far did you get him?

Girl 1: nothin but socks ;)
by funforall July 3, 2009
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A man who serial kills, rapes or wife beats, tortures, humiliates women because he's sad that he is a man and envies women.
Ted bundy is a sad sack sadist but wants us to think he's mad at his ex dumping him. Ann Rule was a friend of his and wrote a book about him inviting all his friends to meet him at a gay bar. Too bad he can't just meet a nice guy instead of being such a SAD SACK SADIST.
by treading water January 6, 2013
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Staff at Glenhell
Self explanitory...Unforgiving Sadistic Bitch
by something significant October 31, 2011
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A parent(usually female) who comes into your room when u are sleeping and smells your breath to see if you have been drinking.
Teen: "what the hell are you doing you sick sadistic psycho bitch?!?!"

Mom: "how much did u drink last night?"

Me: "I don't know mom, like 2 or 3."
by Doug E January 22, 2006
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