A white person who is racist, using the term "white cracker".
"Shauna just said a very racist remark! She is a ritz cracker!"
by JambaVix June 16, 2017
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A woman who seems to attracked every black man possible. Shes a vegetarian and a chronic alcholic. Dont give her your tshirt cause she will sell it. She likes to smoke crack and worship satan. She rides a scotter around the skywalks of st. paul. She loves "hey delia" by the Plain White Tees, and rob jenkins
Yo you are straight up rockin that scooter like Jess Ritz
I dont eat meat, just like Jess Ritz

I WANT TO SMOKE SOME CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and be cool like Jess Ritz
by jessZILLA August 8, 2009
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A Stylized 420 Name for a Pen Pipe.
A type of MacGyver

A Pen that has its parts removed to store & smoke Ganja.

The name originates from the use of pens by Upper Crust stoners.

It was perfect for "classy concealment" of Marijuana especially during increased drug busts in the 20th Century.

When smoked, it looked just like a simple cigarette or cigarette holder.
Watson: "Is that a Pen you are smoking out of"?
Reginald: "More than just a Pen dear Watson, 'tis a Ritz Carlton ;)"
Watson: *snubs*
Reginald: "And He'll never know."
by Droid Vinyl February 22, 2012
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The annual Russian festival where the Vladimir Putin is feted royally while the poor roam the streets looking for morsels.
``Come one, come none to the celebration Putin on the ritz.''
by tirtle March 28, 2017
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(n.) A synonym for the biggest white guy alive
Johnny: This is preposterous!
by Dat Dude January 28, 2005
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The act of sitting down (usually on a couch) with a box of Ritz crackers. The subject sitting down will usually originally have the intent of eating 5 or 6 crackers, but ends up eating a whole package of Ritz.
Man 1: Man, I was Putting on the Ritz last night.

Man 2: You're such a fatass.
by Hissmedaddy December 2, 2015
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Blumish it on the ritz is were you smoosh balls into a juicy net (mainly whilst you are having a little strok)
Blumish it on the ritz fam
by Famstrokern March 9, 2017
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