To live in a utopian world of your own imagination.

The term may have been coined when Idaho and the surrounding states came into U.S. possession. The area was thought as a major growth area, so lifelong dreams could be supported there.

It was used as a song title by the B-52's in 1985. There was also a movie in 1991, loosely based on Shakespeare's play, Henry VIII.
by Sian Silverhair June 10, 2004
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Part of the economy not under direct governmental control.
After his stint as a Senator expired, Fred went to work in the private sector, away from the prying eyes of watchdog groups.
by rarrk April 21, 2009
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A feature of many web browsers that allows the user to prevent any data (like history, cookies, or the cache) from being stored while it is on. Also known as porn mode for really obvious reasons, but may be used whenever any sensitive/confidential information is going to be transmitted.

Private browsing is more comprehensive than simply erasing the history, because that's just a list of URLs, and browsers also save things like cookies (for sites to remember you) and images in the cache (to load faster later).

Private browsing is just a browser feature — there are other ways visited sites are tracked (for example, by your Internet provider), so it's not foolproof.
Say you are about to purchase a surprise for someone. If you choose a private browsing session, after you're done, other people won't see what gift you bought, or your credit card number, or your drug trafficking, or your porn.
by browserbrowsing July 18, 2010
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This is when a male fucks a female so hard that her guts cum out like in the movie, "Saving Private Ryan"
Chris said, "I want to private ryan Olivia so bad." OR "I privite ryaned that hoe!"
by gabe-cheeks July 21, 2008
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Hot flashes that most women experience during menopause
Poor guy, its minus 3 degrees and his wife is having one of her private summers and wants the bedroom window left opened, while he freezes his butt off.
by Peppapat November 12, 2013
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A road cyclist who spontaneously takes up gravel riding in an effort to be cool and different won't and shut up about it. Gravel Privateers will be sure to volunteer about their newfound identity via many Strava and Instagram posts.
Victor: I just bought a $9,000 gravel bike. I am a Gravel Privateer!

Jeremy: Me too. I'm a Cat 5 racer, but I'm actually a part time Gravel Privateer myself.

Dat: Hey guys, I'm riding the river trail tomorrow with the road group, want to join?

Jeremy and Victor: Sorry, can't make it because training for our first Belfian Waffle. Road cycling in lame. We are Gravel Privateers now :)~
by Super Tuck July 29, 2021
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