1. A very young male who attracts many young females. Used a somewhat of a compliment.

2. An older male who exclusively dates girls that are too young to be dating. Basically used to refer to somone as a sicko pedophile loser who can't land girls his own age.
1. "Damn, little Jimmy gets all the fine bitches. He's a playground pimp"

2. "Did you see the 12 year old Dave brought to the party? That mother fucker is a playground pimp."
by candyskull April 22, 2009
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That game that all the psychopaths play because they can't kill and torture people in real life.
I play People playground, the best game!
(Distorted) shot op mun nobudee asked
by Filster74LFO March 18, 2022
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A game made for and played by psychopaths who are outcasts of society, they also stick their dicks in blenders and eat titty and squirt juice.
by nicecar February 22, 2022
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An insult made by a squeaker that is usually very good or horrible in every way possible.
Random kid: Well at least the amount of cancer I have doesn't make me lose my sperm count

Random guy: Ohhhh that squeaker coming in with the playground insults
by Cliffy35 January 13, 2018
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