when someone or something is "the bomb", "the shit", "sweet", etc...said in a positive way for something you like or think is the best
That shirt your wearing owns!
by nikki May 7, 2005
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word most often used by 12 year old boys playing Counter strike after school. These kids have no lives and will never see a girls boobies in his life. In a sense, they are the ones being owned.
I was owned by Slayer69 last night in aztec. Of course he had hax so i wasnt worried about my rank in {ChuN00b}clan. Wanna get on IRC?
by Jonathan Wilson November 20, 2004
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1) To defeat in a spectacular way or fashion
2) To be of extremely high quality
1) You just got owned!
2) That movie owned!
by Moses48 March 17, 2007
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When someone inacts n00bish behaviour, incurring them to be bettered by something else...Therefore positioning them in an owned state (aka state of ownage)
little girl A hits big boy A in face with bat, big boy A cries, big boy A's friends heckle "OWNED" at him
by Paul Foster July 28, 2005
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From hacking: to "own" a server is to illicitly gain access to it to such an extent that one can do everything (root exploit, admin privs).
Thanks to the SSH replay exploit, our servers got owned pretty bad last night.
by Leolo May 12, 2009
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v. To dominate other person or thing so completely as to humiliate them. Often applies to first-person shooters when the victim is consistently "fragged," or shot to death.
Synonym is "pwned." Also, the e may be substituted with a 3 if the person speaks leet.
I owned this n00b...he constantly got fragged while he never got a shot on me.
by Fast_Fingers March 9, 2005
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when someone has a really good come back and beats u in the arguement!
"kelly i such a slag she slept with kevin"
" well why not i mean it's not like u and him r doing nething...OWNED!"
by sophiee December 10, 2005
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