7 minutes past midnight. (When your digital clock would display 0:07 O' clock.)
"I'll go to bed. It's already Bond o' clock, and I have to et up early."
by ChaosNDisaster June 17, 2013
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Any time in which the word "dick" is uttered in an inappropriate setting.
1. Brandt: What are you eating for dinner?
Aaron: ...dick.

2. Aaron: I have to go study for Economics.
Brandt: You mean, you have to go study for Dickonomics.

3. Aaron: When are you going to the movies?
Brandt: Dick o' Clock.
by Brandt Campbell February 21, 2008
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That moment during a meeting where everyone has been there for so long that people get loopy and off-topic, and nothing productive is going on. Especially applicable to meetings that go late into the night.
Person A: Dude, we are getting nothing done right now.
Person B: It passed butts o' clock a long time ago, trust me.
by bran muffins November 15, 2013
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When it is time to kick some ass and look real good. It can also refer to a feat of awesomeness that has already been performed.
Present Tense: Come on boys, it's ball o' clock!
Past Tense: Damn, ball o' clock bro that was one hell of a shot.
by fish Clark March 14, 2018
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The part of the day, mostly at night, when someone has the habit and/or desire of masturbating.
9gagger: BOOBIES!!! I see its Fap O' Clock!
by rub'o'cloker August 18, 2012
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