1. adj. Word used to describe a computer that general does not function well, or typically malfunctions

2.v. When a computer suddenly malfunctions and/or needs to be restarted to fix an error
1. "My computer's so slow, it's such a Mac."

2."Dude, my computer just totally mac'd out! I had to reboot it."
by Meaghan duh February 8, 2008
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to eat, or consume. Mac deriving from MACoroni and cheese and Big MAC.

Slang: To kiss, make-out
My favorite foods to mac on are watermelon, pizza, artichoke hearts, and chocolate.

Slang: Jakob has been macking on Cindy all night long.
by Cindy D. March 22, 2008
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to rock it

to do really well

to make it your bitch
You really need to do well on your spanish exam, you need to mac it.

by alyson azzara July 19, 2006
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the coolest biggest pimp in the world
Dang mac, said all the girls, you are a pimp
by Codu March 2, 2008
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A guy who moves in for his best friend's leftovers.

M- move in
A- after
C- completion

Wait till he's done, swoop in, give her a shoulder to cry on, then hump.
Nah, I'm not your wing-man, I'm swimming in your wake. I'm Mac'in.
by cougrrr November 20, 2009
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short for making out usually used by guys but not bros or girls or faggots
ya i totally want to mac her

Friend: so what did u do with becca last night
Me: nothing really just mac'd for a bit
by Craig Kat July 11, 2008
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