Norking usually involes cream buns or some type of bagel connected with paste. To nork is simply the sound one makes when munching happily on a pastry filled with jelly/fruits/ or often, love. Used in its verb form "to nork" means to swip quickly at the pastry's creme-filled center. So it is possible to use it in a sentence as follows:

"Well, I was making alot of norking sounds when I heard my friend asking if I was eating his cream bun and I quickly norked the cream dripping from the edges of his bagel before he saw me."
"Nork nork nork..."
"What are you doing?"
"I'm eating a canole."
by ukraine May 29, 2005
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a person who is a nerd and a dork
After dancing around the room, Tom was definetly a nork.
by CAnneBrigid March 27, 2007
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A combo of nerd and dork...
basically a smart weird person. They totally laugh at themselves and make other people laugh or freak them out. They aren't coordinated at all. They may love video games and rant about the companies they do and don't like.
Ming: "Hey look at Jasper."
>Loomik looks at Jasper<
Loomik: "Yea he's ranting about Microsoft what a Nork."
by Lez H. July 14, 2008
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A fellow with a receding hairline, a light bulb head, and a obsession with every product that sketchers creates. When people talk about block norks, they usually say "You have a block nork on the back of your neck." People with block norks have small penis'. I'm talking about you Robert. You have a small penis...."
by light bulb head March 1, 2014
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The combonation of a nerd and a dork.
Danny - Hey nick what did you get on that english test last week.

Nick - Well... since I studied, I got an 94%! How about you?

Danny - Wow Nick your such a nork, i got a 88% on that test and didnt even study.
by Dick Navies June 14, 2008
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An intelligence term to used to describe someone of North Korean descent. Also, a humourous thing to call any Asian, especially Koreans.
How do I know you're not a Nork?!
Finish your dinner, don't you know that there are are 20 million starving Norks?
Operation Nork Freedom
by tee-dawg May 1, 2003
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