The act of willfully allowing your ears to be penetrated by a hairy dick. Loved by few hated by most.
Person a: nickelback hurt last night
Person b: personally I enjoy it
Person a: you gross shit
by righteousconsumption October 15, 2014
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1)A band, which, no matter how hard they try, can't sound like pearl-jam
2)A person who attempts to sound like Eddie Vedder but can't
3)An example of todays bull-shit music. Turn it off and listen to something real!!!!
See: sucky music
by Jimmy Joe December 24, 2003
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the worst *$&^ band ever, just when i thought they couldn't of sold out any more (when u change something just for the money) they do it even worst the next time
dumb ass:you bought the new nickelback cd?

me:#%&$ no, they suck
by SkIPpY666 November 23, 2005
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Three words
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three more words
Many people say that hopefully they will never know what hell is like. I know what hell is like. Hell is nickelback's crappy ass song being THE MOST PLAYED ON THE RADIO! back a few years ago. Most played, it was a horrible song that got more horrible, and now I know what hell feels like. If I go to hell, they will play Nickelback as their soundtrack to life.
does it need an example? someone just assassinate the singer of Nickelback, and the world can be happy again.
by TruthSpeaker August 9, 2004
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A band from Canada that used to be good. But, sold out to Mainstream Radio and literally became the worst band ever.
Josh: Hey David can I play you a song?

David: Sure.

(Josh plays "Because of You")

David: These guys are good. Who are they?

Josh: You know that horrible band Nickelback?

David: This is them isn't it?

Josh: Yeah.

David: *pissed off face*
by Bill the Patgoat October 24, 2010
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A truly awful band from Alberta, Canada. Their music is watered-down hard rock, overplayed (especially on the ROCK radio station near the place I live, and I'm from the United States), and, coincidentally loved by pop music fans, posers, and those with an untrained ear.

Often mislabeled as "post-grunge" or, I've heard someone label them this, and I just about flipped my lid, "grunge" even. They're not even close to being grunge, much less post-grunge.

If Nickelback is anything, they're another nu metal band that's trying to be as cool as Korn, Slipknot, or Limp Bizkit for that matter.
Nickelback fan: "OMG I love Nickelback! They're so awesome and hardcore! They're grunge, baby! Grunge!"
Smart person (sporting a Nirvana shirt): "You idiot. Go listen to the Melvins or Soundgarden or Green River if you wanna hear some real grunge."
by MlleRCCola February 21, 2012
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Although commonly and incorrectly thought to be a musical group (band)....Nickelback have recently been identified as one of the main culprits behind global warming, suicide, and creating sounds used by the military (codenamed songs) to force the enemy to surrender. Also spanish for vomit.
Mexican Child: Mom i feel like i'm going to Nickelback.
Mexican Mother: GOD NO!?!?!?!
by megafish21 May 12, 2011
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