the act of having a party. the exact opposite of a sausage fest( too many weiners and not enough holes). In which there is an over abundance of holes. far too many for the few weiners to possibly penetrate all of them. A party were u inadvertently have sex with more than one hole at the same party in the same night.
god damn im spent, did u see how many bitchs were at that female mixer. I got busy with 2 or 3 of those hoes.
by joe appenfeldt April 9, 2008
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rough sex in which the man is pumping the woman so hard, that her head goes through the drywall. Then the man blows his load in her hair and mixes it around. When it dries, its hard like cement.
That kid put his phd into action and gave all three of those sluts cement mixers. Look at their hair!
by John Sucamelli October 12, 2004
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Putting it in the mixer is when you whip the ball into the box.(soccer) you can also use it in other multiple scenarios such as getting into trouble.
“Hey Johnny, put it in the mixer!”

Get in the mixer!”

“Put him in the mixer!”
by Dsiliquini November 7, 2017
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Sex act when the male sprays his man juice on a females face athen urinates on her.
I gave diana a saline mixer last night!
by rump destroyer March 3, 2013
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When you spit in someone’s asshole and then stick your penis in it raw
Bro! Derek meaty mixered me at that party last night! Now my ass hurts!
by Meatymixer June 19, 2022
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A transgender person who has not yet made the change
A man wants to be a woman aka a mint mixer
by Rommel December 18, 2019
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When you take a load of cum in your mouth and follow it with a shot of lemon juice, mixing it up by shaking your head vigorously from side to side, before swallowing it.
Johnny took a hot cumment mixer off of Tanner tonight....he started to gag when the lemon juice curdled the cum in his mouth, but then swallowed it down like a champ.
by Tittsmcgee October 6, 2019
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