(Verb) To transform a technologically advanced item into something totally worthless, usually through an act of utter stupidity.
Dude, you totally reverse macgyvered my cell phone into a paper weight when you dropped it in the toilet.
by Cyndiloohoo November 3, 2006
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A woman who solves her problems with whatever resources available. She has a "can-do" attitude and looks outside the box where she finds infinite possibilities. She often surprises herself with the results of her efforts. Also a BIG fan of duct tape.
Father: So the contractor won't be available to fix the loose tiles in the shower for another 2 weeks!

Daughter: Don't worry, Dad! Lady MacGyver, here! I made a temporary patch with a piece of plastic and water proof duct tape.
by BobbiGee April 2, 2016
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Pocketknife. The multi-function Swiss type.
"Can't open this can of beans."
"Here, use my MacGyver."
by magnus August 17, 2003
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To pull out a knife in a situation where a box needs to be cut. (in radioshack)
Tom can't pull a macgyver in the shack, he prefers his faggy keys.
by shacker March 8, 2007
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Noun; One who can take any ordinary object and turn it into the newest trend, without looking like a fool.
Nichole is such a fashion macgyver that she can even make a trash bag look hot!
by fasionistaaaah February 28, 2009
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A Macgyver guy is someone who thinks they can do everything, called Macgyver guy because of the action hero (See Macgyver)
Person 1: No problem I can fix that
Person 2: Dude you're such a Macgyver guy, stop it.
by Cargith June 20, 2007
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A modern male adept at the art of improvising in gender neutral situations.
The sort of man who might carry a mini-leatherman AND a UMPC in his murse.
My Treo totally crapped on me at Greg's last night. Fortunately Greg's a total metro-macgyver - he updated my firmware while he made a bitchin' artichoke heart quiche.
by Gruvinci June 11, 2007
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