A personal insult is a negative remark made about a person, usually made in a demeaning tone of voice, or when written, the remark is made using what are generally considered to be negative words, and the remark is personal in that it is directed at a person's character, personality, or individual traits, and it is meant to invalidate that person's feelings or opinions, and/or to make that person feel bad about themselves. The person's feelings or opinions are not disputed with logic or knowledge or facts. Rather, the person making the insult believes that by finding fault with your character, personality, or other individual traits, that they are then justified in dismissing your feelings and your opinions. In making the negative remark, they believe that they are effectively invalidating your right to express yourself, and/or they are purposely attacking your feeling of self-worth.
A non personal insult - "I don't like that dress that you are wearing."
A personal insult - "Wow. That awful dress that you are wearing - what bad taste you have!"

A non personal insult - "Well, you are entitled to your opinion, even though it is wrong!"
A personal insult - "Your opinion is not only wrong, but you are obviously a stupid moron who is too dumb to have an informed opinion, and so you should just shut up!"
by eighthdaygal April 14, 2014
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Something said to another meant to be an insult, but is really a compliment.
Random boy at table to another: "You have a small penis!"
Beth, jokingly insulting her girl friend: "Well, Lauren, you have a small vagina!"
Lauren: "Why thank you, Beth."

The Beth Insult actually made Lauren feel better about herself.
by Ginger59 November 11, 2007
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when a person stares at you in a disturbing way trying to insult you mentally and is very annoying so it must work.
person1: haha your fat.
person2: *stares*
person1: why the fuck do you always stare at me when i call you fat you fucking fat cunt.
person2: haha my stare insult worked.
by ginger baz November 11, 2006
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Straighten up your own act before whining about the world, or if thats too much wear a blindfold, zip your mouth, and live in a cave.
This is an example including the word best insult.
by Major Motoko Kusanagi August 30, 2008
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an anti-insult is when you insult someone while saying that you won't insult them
person 1: "what's an anti-insult?"
person 2: "it's how I'm not going to call you stupid, even though you are"
by gingerwithasoul_ November 12, 2017
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by Bastardized Bottomburp May 7, 2003
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Something that Very few, nearly no one, online is capable of. Thus they use fillers such as profanity.
Stupid insult:
Hey Mother Fucker, wuts ur dum ass doin?
Intelligent Insult:
Entertaining the idea of wasting a decent comment on you- You probably wouldn't even understand if I said you lack the y to any x, along with your boyfriends.
by AirAKose December 8, 2010
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