The surface of contact where the food that has been left in the fridge for too long starts to get soft or rot
I thought the edibles I bought were still good but they had signs of refrigeration dystrophy after 1 month!
by d3ck3r April 24, 2019
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A really obese gal that when taken out on a date; a) she will eat your wallet b) pray to god you have a couple G's stacked on you... because if shes still hungry she will eat your face!
n97: Yo B!!!!! what went down on Saturday night? did you tap that yellow mellow over floating cow hoe?

n65: Mannnnnnnnnnn.. that gal Erica came to my house and ate my fridge dawg. Shes totally a refrigerator killer
by Skthx February 5, 2008
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During anal intercourse, the male places the head of the female (or subordinate male) in a refrigerator. An allusion to the defensive lineman and fullback of the mid-1980s Chicago Bears.
The Massey was delighted to hear that the entire football team ran the "Refrigerator Perry" on Joe. I'll bet the soothing coolness on his face helped curb the pain of getting it in the butt.
by mitch tittles October 2, 2004
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Fitting more food in an already full fridge.
I can never fit all the groceries in the fridge but my wife can always find room. I guess she is better a refrigerator tetris than me.
by unit13 January 22, 2010
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When, in the search for something to put on your plate, you dig through the recesses of your refrigerator to find something to eat. It's a gamble: sometimes you win; sometimes you lose.
When playing refrigerator roulette, *never* bet on green.
by ferricoxide June 7, 2010
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It's the temporary blindness after looking into the refrigerator light at night.
Steven: Damn, last night I banged my head after reciving a nice bit of refrigerator blindness.
by Shiptar January 26, 2008
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A term for computer game characters that are only slightly hurt by bullets and other generally lethal wounds. Coined by Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation fame.
by sonotfillingthisboxinproperly December 17, 2010
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