1. A teenage pop star who can not act nor sing.
2. A girl who tends to say the word "like" every few seconds.
3. A girl whose album you should not buy nor watch her television show.
1. Hilary Duff's singing hurts my ears.
2. And then like omg like I like omg suck at like singing like ya.
3. Her television show blinded me.
by nibbor May 26, 2004
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An imatation of Hilary Duff, to annoy Hilary Duff fans.
I love Hilary Fluff. Her movie, "Lower Your Noise" inspired to not sing.
by Andy March 21, 2005
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name for a girl who can not sing or act with any ounce of talent. she needs to be shot.
"Gawd, you sound as horrible as Hilary Duff!"
by Krissy March 26, 2004
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The girl that marks the complete destruction of any hope we ever had to have a non slutty generation with good music..unfortunatly all we have now is 8 year old sluts that have crappy music..
by Kris April 11, 2004
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A chunky prep with a fake voice and blonde hair, need I say more? The most overrated celebrity to ever walk the earth. Would be shit if Disney hadn't picked her up from the side of the road. Had the guts to wear converses in her "Why Not" music video.
Hilary Duff is a chain smoker.
by Juggalette Mini March 23, 2004
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when something happens that may or may not be funny and your immediate response to it unknowingly could be translated literally and make the scenario hilarious
while pedro was trying to pull out a dingleberry after taking a slam he yelled "piece of crap" as it was being pulled out and then busted out laughing realizing that a dingleberry was in fact a "piece of crap"...literally hilarious
by fpa_2010 August 24, 2010
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