A casual gathering meant to ease the dreariness of winter.
Come over for social hibernation on Friday. We'll watch a documentary and eat TV dinners. You can wear sweatpants.
by Mikyjocrowbar November 26, 2017
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when someone plays modded mine craft for 40 hours straight with no sleep in between and doesn't talk to anybody else
''yo this nigga is messed he was so anti social and went into a 'modded minecraft hibernation''
by messed matty boi April 3, 2018
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The first week of summer break in which college students who return home, primarily first-year students, make up for lost sleep.
Person 1: Why isn't he picking up his phone?
Person 2: Calm down, it's college hibernation week.
by FlyingOctopus89 June 5, 2009
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Related to Kyoto Solo. Hibernation Semen Sickness is what your partner feels and experiences after you have given them a Kyoto Solo. The effects do pass in time.
Dude 1 - "You gave her a Kyoto Solo ?. Man, did she get HSS (Hibernation Semen Sickness) ?"
Dude 2 - "Oh yeah. Her sight came back pretty quicky though."
by Julio Mandell April 1, 2011
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When a computer does not restart or come out of hibernation but instead hangs in a state without a display
I tried restarting my computer, but every time it just goes into a Funky-Hibernate-Sleep-Fail
by Odin Overland July 21, 2011
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A variation of the bloody polar bear.

In this scenario, one packs the bloody polar bear under a significant amount of snow. Come springtime, the snow will reveal a perfect bloody polar bear fresh and ready for use.
Michelle: Ashley you won't believe what i just found in the yard!

Ashley: Oh my god Michelle whatever could it be?

Michelle: The Bloody Polar Bear I buried in December!

Ashley: Say it isn't so! The infamous hibernating bloody polar bear!
by The Arctic Polar February 3, 2011
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(n) When one attempts to seclude themselves from the world in order to prevent the discovery of spoilers.
I did not see the last three episodes of that show. I'm going into "spoiler hibernation." Goodbye, world.
by Skyfree June 17, 2015
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