The action of taking a can of alcoholic beverage and slamming it against somone else's forehead then drinking the can, not allowing said person to have any.
by Mikeandthedirtyboys June 10, 2021
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Thanks for letting me know what that saying means.
“Good looks!”
“Noun, thank you, good looking out
-“Fuck your cunt
by Real words bruh December 5, 2019
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The name given to an Aaron. Usualy dark complection and wears glasses. Often found the suburbs of the south east but can be found in and around melbourne aswell.
Damn. I dont wanna hang out with someone with cuntfuck (Aaron) anymore. He has aids..

Damn was that cunt fuck (Aaron)? Nah i dont think so... hes not being a shit cunt..
by Not your mate bro February 19, 2018
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The S.F.T.C is a the top ranking cunt around who will leave you begging for more, she will tell you how it is, she is also the ring leader and she eats dumb asses for breakfast
Joe: Hey there wanna take a ride?

S.F.T.C : Get a fucking life you dumbass, that line is so lame

Joe: Your a super fucking thunder cunt
by the SFTC April 23, 2010
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when, while hunting, you kill a particularly fine looking bird and decide to engage in intercourse with it, this is called a bird-fuck bird-cunt if and only if the birds cunt is stretched and torn when you are done.
That was a pretty sweet bird-fuck bird-cunt back there, eh skipper?
Skipper is a dog.
by Jimmy "the vagoo" Johnson March 31, 2010
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adjective & adverb

a word used usally when you stub your toe or get hit by a bus/train, it can even be used as an insalt on the internet.
Mother Fucking Cock-sucking Fucking cunt ass pussy bitch that bus just came out of no where and hit me
by Shroom5799 September 25, 2017
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a ref in proclub that gives you a straight red even thought they cannot see because they have squinty chinky gay eyes that do not open.
fuck you you stupid fucking asian cunts
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