The totally coolest subjects ever know to our school, how can you not like it it rules!!!!!!(if u think im mad you're right and chek raz or rachel b.and chek my entries you'll see
wow raz sure luuurves science the mad freeeeak
by Raz March 28, 2005
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v., science'd, science, sciencing, sciences.

To test the validity of a claim that a pipe or bong is finished, or cached. If in a group, a smoker may proclaim that they are employing the scientific method before lighting the bowl; this ensures that the effort will be peer reviewed.
1. "Damn, that's cached."
"Give it to me, I'll science it."

2. "For science!"
by Raycer X November 18, 2008
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something that, according to system of a down , has failed the world... ^o)... yeah .. lol
Science. HAS FAILED. THE WORLD. etc...
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When stuff just be working.
Jenny: Why does the avocado stay so green
Angie: Because it's science, that's why.
by Black Don Draper March 7, 2017
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