A man who loves to drink scotch and smells like a big fat fuck. Marries the first fucking whore lace-ridden with tattoos all over her body who is pushing 40 years old. Bordering on pedophilia (lock up your daughters)
Person 1: Did you see how hot that 9 year old girl is?
Person 2: Are you sick, like some kind of Fattie Pig Fattie? Stay away from me!

Person 1: What's the smell? Did someone die?
Person 2: No kidding! Is there a Fattie Pig Fattie in the vicinity?
by Scroatilicious September 1, 2008
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To define greatness of a particular event, object or person. (adjective)
"Sir, I do believe that is a fatty burger"
"Really!? That's awesome, let me have a bite!"
"Man, I took the fattiest dump"
"Oh boy, you sure did"
by Coitey January 14, 2010
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A measurment of size meaning of great magnitude. Derivation: A big joint.
Man test was hella fatty.
Have you seen that fatty bastard. He must weigh 3 hundred pounds.
by anonomous. May 21, 2005
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someone with a huge ass, multiple chins, love handles, man tits and cant balance on a skate board cuz there so round and fat.
eric is such fatty he fell on the skateboard and his ass absorbed the hit
by g-reg r to the osen September 6, 2005
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an unusually largly rollen marijuana cigarette, usually rolled with an extra large paper or 2 or more regular sized papers stuck together.
i like skinny bitches but ill never turn down a fatty, bitch.
by DEUCE February 23, 2005
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a word used to describe a woman's rump, especially when it looks nice
sskiptomahlue22: yo my girlfriend has such a nice fatty, i let her drink my "wang tang".

rob91: yea fo shizzle, that shit so tight its almost "tonky" dawg
by gene the ghetto machine, rob c February 2, 2005
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this means the person is HOT,sexy,fine,fly
by lalalazzy April 11, 2008
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