A fat girl with small breasts. She is usually ugly and shaped like a pumpkin. Only wanted on Halloween for decorations or costume idea.
I dumped my dumpy pumpkin yesterday. She can join the rest of the patch.
by undefinedwerd October 9, 2012
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When someone has a butt SOO large their underwear sags and it looks like they are wearing a diaper.
John: "Do these leggings make my butt look big?"

Sara: "Oh yeah, you are rocking a real Denver Dumpy."
by Penelopé October 9, 2023
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the phrase used when one is leaving a twitch stream for a while but will still have it playing in the background, dumpily.
o7 snowy! i hope your dumpy lurk is extra frogeThicc
by emmajayunderscore May 20, 2021
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The art of getting ready to announce to everyone you have to take a massive, expolsive dump!
I have to take a really bad dumpie-poopie!
by relief of bum June 4, 2010
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A Foul Smelling, generally coated in Fecal matter, Ass and (or) Asshole.
Swumpy, Meaning Swampy or Stinky.

Dumpy, Meaning Gluteus or ass.
Ewwww do you smell Lucas!? He has such a swumpy dumpy!!!
by MasterOfTheDumpyFart December 6, 2020
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