Happens after playing with yourself (aka whacking off) and not cleaning up properly with a tissue. After around 10 minutes your member becomes stuck to your underwear because of the excess semen excreted from your cock.
Dude, I had this awesome wank earlier, but 10 minutes later I had a willy dribble, now i need lubricant to get my boxers off.
by Rob & Queen April 3, 2005
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Reference to B-Ball, this refers to the leakage of semen post orgasm after one has pulled up their pants. It is characterized by an unpleasant, moist, sticky feeling in one's undergarments.
Fuck dude this sucks, I got double dribble all up in you know where.
by Simon S. May 15, 2005
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Quite possibly Australian in origin. (appologies if its not)

Dribbling Shit, refers to a conversation where what one person is saying either makes no sense or is of little importance to anything.. (completely Irrelavant)
While talking on a first date:

Paul (dribbling shit): "..in each world obey all the usual conventional statistical laws predicted by the probabilistic Born interpretation, by showing that the Hilbert space's inner product or norm has a special property..."

Daniela (politely):"Stop dribbling shit"
by Urban Legend November 2, 2004
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Following an erection, sexual arousal may result in slight semen buildup in the penis. The soft dribbles occurs when the penis goes flaccid and this buildup of semen trickles out of the penis. This occassionally results in itching, tingling, and/or tickling sensation at the hole. A male may manually eject the semen by gripping the shaft and squeezing as he pushes along to expel the semen.
After I woke up with morning wood, I had the soft dribbles.
by DOS Emulation August 10, 2006
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Pibble dribble is that long stringy drool that hangs from the cheeks of pit bull type dogs when a tasty food substance is around. Pibble dribble is also what you get all over your face whenever you get a pooch smooch from a pibble…which is always.
Q: Why is the cat all wet? A: Dooby-doo got pibble dribble all over him.
by BadAtty September 10, 2022
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A NBA2K player who can string together bribble combos without spamming them.
Wow Christian, you are a Dribble God.
by Thejude22202 August 25, 2017
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When a dangerous case of diarrea catches you short without a nearby toilet. Unable to hold in 'the shits' the person must soil themselves. Normally a solid shit would leave them with cement pants however with the runs the stale faeces drips down their legs and socks into their feet, leaving them with scwelching shit feet.
Jamie: Mum...HELP, i had the shits on the way home and now i've got dribble feet.
by Jiggaman April 14, 2005
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