first person: Dude, i saw this guy at the mall and he was the definition of a big douche nozzle.

Second person: Oh really, was it frank rossetti?

first person: Actually, yea it was!
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A slightly more insulting variation of douche bag. The douche nozzle is like a douche bag, but is the actual part of the utensil that is inserted in to the dirty, dried up vagina of a post-menopausal woman.
Wow...people who post their personal opinions about musicians, sports teams, the month they were born in, their own name, the city/state/country they live in, favorite tv shows, boys/girls names who they like, celebrities, or any other statement that includes "the best, the greatest, the worst, the hottest, the etc..." as a definition for a word on urban dictionary are really just a bunch of unoriginal, uninspired, uneducated, "unfunny"...douche nozzles.
by Donkasaurus January 10, 2011
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when danielle tries to cook pasta and says she can cook but spills gravy all over herself at the same exact time...she is a douche nozzle
by Maak Young January 3, 2008
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A "Sidecick" of A douch bag, who handles their dirty work.
Ryan - Hey, go tell Buck that I'm going to beat his ass!

Colton - Oh My God! He's going to hurt me! What am I your Douche Nozzle!

Ryan - Yea! So Shut Up!
by Mattii Boi January 30, 2009
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1.A person who usually has slight authority or seniority to others around them and tells others what to do in a dicky way.

2. Bosses people around with a negative attitude while looking down to them.
You would never believe what Sir douche nozzle just told me to do, Who's that? Steven after his promotion
by medicineballer April 7, 2017
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in insult for people who are cocky nerds who act condescending when you don't know something or don't understand something right away.
John: I don't get it.
Ed: Geez, it deals with limits. Duh!
John: You're such a Charizard douche nozzle!
Ed: What?
John: You don't know?! Gosh you're dumb!
by jigglypuffer:) December 1, 2010
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the greatest band to ever live.. the next big thing. with the best beat maker and lyrical artist ever known to live. also known as DNR
sound- "were not kiwi kids but were so fuckin rad...."
kid 1- "damn bro who is tht?. tht shit is dope"
kid 3- "its douche nozzle rejects theyre so fuckin great"
by callmerockstar March 26, 2010
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