When you are having doggie-style sex with a girl and you pull out and stick it in her ass. When she turns around in suprise, you punch her in the face!
I donkey-punched my girlfriend last night--that's why she has a black eye today.
by Dougie February 27, 2005
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The current definition of a Donkey Punch is wrong, highly inaccurate, and can cause serious injury and criminal charges to anyone who tries it. It's also a Myth.

What an ACTUAL Donkey Punch is, is a punch delivered to a woman’s ass during intercourse. It's like spanking a woman's butt, but with a closed fist instead of an open hand.
Woman: (Squirms in her chair)
Man: Are you alright, honey?

Woman: No. That Donkey Punch from last night was too hard. MY ass still hurts.
Man: I'm sorry. let me get you an ice pack, and I'll be a lot more gentler to your ass next time.
by PlayBoyMan April 18, 2016
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a sexual act (in the doggy style position) that involves punching your partner in the back of the neck just before you are about to cum, causing your partner to spasam giving you an intense awsome orgasam!
Carl says to Patrice "i gave her a donkey punch last nite"

Patrice says to carl " was it good"

Carl says to patrice "yeah it was amazing but think i broke her neck"
by DRAZIC-THE-WITCH May 11, 2009
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It seems most people get overly creative in attempting to imagine what could be meant by a sexual act entitled the "donkey punch". It's incredibly simple, while using judicious amounts of lubrication a balled fist is forced into the anus. This resembles punching the ass of the recipient although saying ass punch is more literal and less comical than the synonym donkey punch.
She told us about this freak who wanted her to fist his ass. We were horrified to hear that she donkey punched him to the elbow.
by RealDealBobbySpiel March 26, 2009
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punch a woman in the head during anal. its just a damn joke.why so serious !?
by KING TUTA December 26, 2017
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To take a huge hit when smoking weed.
Johny took a donkey punch and was high for hours.
by zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz August 13, 2006
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When two participants are engaged in sexual activity in the position of canines, the male participant thrusts into the female participant and she kicks her leg back into the male participant's testicles. This results in the male participant crying out noises similar to a donkey (EEE-AWW!).
Amber: I totally donkey punched Gerard last night!
Phoebe: Good. He's such an ass! (get it?)
by mudblood97 January 23, 2016
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