2 Christmas's, 2 birthdays pretty much an upgrade
Me- My parents are getting a divorce
Friend- SICKKKKK!!!!!
by NiggaBallz123 March 3, 2022
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Breaking up isn’t hard to do when friends and neighbours are doing it too.

A person that divorces soon after or later on after a family member or friend had divorced. Or a group of friends that start divorcing because one among them divorced first and the other friends soon after that got ideas to divorce too. It's a social virus that's spreading to a neighborhood, workplace and family near you.
Friend 1: "Dave divorced 2 years ago and now his buddy Matt is seeing a lawyer and is getting started on divorcing his wife. How crazy is that?!"

Friend 2: "Whoa, who do you think is next? This is looking like divorcitis."
by WowzersAA October 22, 2010
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It's something that's way too common in America's society these days. It causes an awful lot of pain for the children of the parents. Often the children rarely ever get to see/visit one of the parents. The parents usually say "Don't worry, we're still friends" though loads of shit-talking goes on behind each other's backs. Leads to the parents dating other people because they "don't want to be alone", which may lead to a second marriage and a step-mom or step-dad who only seems to be there to give the children hell 24/7. Can cause depression. Divorces are complete bullshit.
Seeing my parents divorce has convinced me not to marry, since it's most likely that mine will end up the same way their's did.
by BlasianSensation October 24, 2004
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What a woman does after she finds out her husband has cheated on her with prostitutes. Also what a woman does after giving him an undeserved chance and he continues to lie and text prostitutes. What a woman does in order to avoid getting aids, herpes or some other sexually transmitted plague. What is the last thing a woman ever ever wanted her children to suffer.
I find it hard to not get a divorce when my husband destroyed our family by screwing prostitutes and being a habitual liar.
by PO'd Mother of Two October 8, 2008
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What your parents get when your born and it’s almost always your fault.
Jimmy: My parents are getting a divorce.
Timmy: What did you do?
by Godisdead69 September 4, 2019
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Detailed explaination of divorce in plain English: Divorce 101

(D)addy getting screwed out of his life-savings.

(I)rate mommy packing up daddy's belongings, putting them out on the doorstep.

(V)endettas marked by malicous acts of revenge.

(O)rnery bitches who are hell-bent on destroying your life, making these derogatory remarks about your sex-life to their girlfriends.

(R)ich, powerful attorneys making an absolute fortune off your hard-earned money with these mounting legal bills.

(C)onstant nagging from an ex-wife to a deadbeat father for his refusal to pay any child support.

(E)xcessive alcohol consumption to ease a beleaguered man's pain.
"My parents got a divorce a year and a half ago."
by Tagman77 February 17, 2004
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The day my parents divorced, my uncle turned to me and said, "Good work."
by rwpfister April 25, 2008
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