Get yer doo dahs out Debbie
by Andy UK November 23, 2003
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Female genitals. An abusive, highly vulgar word borrowed from the Russian language. It is spelled the way it should be spoken in Russian according to the pronunciation rules of the English language. Often said of a woman generally disliked by the speaker. As a trend, the 1970's British teens were using Russian-originated words like rookery - hands, or starry kashka - old man, after 'The Clockworl Orange' novel by Anthony Burgess. That was due to the international situation of that time when no-one knew nothing on what was happening in the USSR and thus the interest to the Russian language could be explained. Nowadays Russian is not a popular source, however, a few words still can appear in an odd conversation of some English-speaking people. That might be a traveling experience of the speaker.
1) He was awquardly fumbling her piece-dah while she moaned.

2) She's the worst piece-dah going, she bans everything that has to do with sex, Max grumbled.
by matanZa January 31, 2009
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A word to say when you did something really stupid.
Victor: You broke mom's favorite vase!

Kevin: TA DAH!
by Andrew Z. May 31, 2007
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A Hood in East Miramar, Florida. Between Miramar Parkway and Pembroke Road..Its Called "Dah Shine" because of the Elementary School inside of the Hood..Sunshine Elem. School.
Oh you Kno dat Nigga Yellow Man..Yea he's from Dah Shine.
by Tone C March 18, 2009
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ta-dah is everything and anything, ta-dah most of the time is shagged, it could be that girl you pulled last night may have been well ta-dah, or you may plan on ta-dah-ing the hell out of your mates mam, or maybe you wanna ta-dah the fuck out of someone because you hate them, maybe in ten years time you'll be partying in ayai napa in a nightclub called ta-dah, getting ta-dah'd could also mean gettin absolutely mortal, or maybe, just maybe you may soon be watching a jackass spin off made by two cumbrian girls named "TA-DAH", or it could just simply mean your very tired.
'he's gettin ta-dah'd tonight'
'corr i wanna gan and get ta-dah'd tonight boiz, sesh on'
'i ta-dah'd the fuck outa him he was bleedin all owa'
'jeeeese im ta-dah'd'
by kiclo April 7, 2008
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another word for Holmes, nigga, foo,
Ey Dah what was the hw.?
by Funk Master Flex0320 April 11, 2008
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idiot; someone who makes no sense and lacks intelligence.
OMG!! You are so such a dut-duh-dah, I can’t belive you thought red and blue makes green.
by Jessica Wayne December 28, 2018
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