Them boyz was all over me ready to pop my black ass, then I glanced in da cut and seen my homey Nate. A nigga regulated on those mothafuckaz.
by Nick D February 25, 2003
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An additive mixed or added to a (usually illegal) substance to dilute it.
This practice is commonly used by less-than-trustworthy suppliers in order to boost revenues.
Cuts used in powdered, crushed, sharded, or 'rock' substances can include: sugar, flour & salt. There are many more, but these are the common ones. The afore mentioned cuts are sometimes added in the making of the substance, but can also be added post-production. A common process for the shifty crystal meth dealer is to measure out a small amount less than you're buying and add a couple of drops of olive or vegetable oil to your baggy to make up the remainder of the weight.
In cut substances that one smokes, the best reccomendation is to melt the substance pre-smoking, and continue to apply heat in 8-10 second increments until the cut has burned off. You will know the cut has burned off because, when the heat is removed, the substance will re-form quickly. (Cut substances generally remain liquidy/runny much longer than the true substance should) In burning off the cut, be cautious not to burn the substance. If the substance is cut with sugar, it is more likely to burn easily, so be wary. Oil cuts can make the substance pop or crackle when exposed to heat.
"To burn the sugar cut off of the tweak we bought, we had to melt and remelt the shards seven or eight times."
by ElleC February 21, 2006
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example #1: wanna cut with me next period?

example #2: imma jus cut mrs. smiths class cus I failed her class already.

example #3: damn, the school called my house today cus i've been cutting school for 2 weeks

person #1: i didn't see you in class yesterday
person #2: cus i was cutting
by nymdLHO July 28, 2008
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That guy must work out alot he's Cut
Did you see that guy he works out at the gym all the time. He's Cut
by New York Salty November 21, 2015
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