originated in central New Jersey

(v). to cuddle, extra hard

can also be used in the gerund form "crunching"
Will you crunch with me tonight?! I want to crunch!
by theshmans May 18, 2011
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1.when a joke has been played on a person
2.when a person isnt right but thinks they are
3.when a person is in a wack situation
1.Lataquanesha got her crunch when her baby daddy showed up to her house with his new boyfriend.
by elisha December 19, 2003
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The act of liking someone.

like word:
Man, i am so crunching on harry today.
by buggergirl June 26, 2005
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Porking someone really, really aggressively in the arse. So much so that one could easily imagine the vertebrae in their spine being crushed making a rather pleasant warm feeling in my trousers... I mean a crunching sound in their spine. Sorry.
Down at the beach (probably alone), "Jesus! Look at how smooth her skin is. The one in the green bikini. I'd like to spine crunch her good and proper. Yeah, 'cos women are things."
by Jimmy the Jap December 11, 2011
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To tailgate so excessively that you almost repeatedly smack into the car in front of you.
Passenger: Hey watch it, you almost butt crunched that car!!
by bigballofyarn September 9, 2009
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"Tax crunch is kona coffee ice cream with crisped rice chocolate? I think I just came in my fucking mouth"
by JPorpoise May 22, 2010
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The way one works during crunch time. In an effort to make up for schedule slippage and meet a deadline, workers are required to make sacrifices including (but not limited to) sleep, nutrition, social life, hygiene, and product quality.
The whole team is in crunch mode, so we've got the sleeping bags in the office and we're sending out for more pizza.
by Evac156 February 22, 2005
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