Probably the most trustworthy people in the world. Literally don't Know what I'd do without them.
Guy 1: The Crew are such cool people

Me: Well no duh
by JJ Forest February 24, 2018
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A show no people have seen anywhere other than Netflix even though it was on actual tv
So I watched the it crew on Netflix

Never seen it anywhere else
by The persons with the talk March 25, 2017
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An activity in which participants chose to: put themselves in constant pain, wake up before the sun is up, and physically and emotionally over exhert themselves.
"What happened to your hands?!"
"I do crew"

Synonyms: hell, jumpies, crying, blisters, etc.
Antonyms : social life, free time, extra energy, etc.
by #middle4grind November 3, 2017
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A group of awesome outcast with amazing hearts and great jokes. Even though they don't get alone sometimes. They still love each other no matter what. They have a bumpy year but made it through. Heres to many more years to come
The Diamond Crew is bae!
by CuttingEdge1203 April 16, 2015
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Beautiful town of 111,000 in Cheshire, England
The Alex play at Gresty Road, Crewe, Cheshire
by Júan José June 8, 2005
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preppy cult sport; demands constant attention
(at 1 in the morning)

public school friend: hey i got the dank
me: sorry, i attend a prestigious prep school and consequentially must leave for a regatta in approximately four hours
friend: sh*t
by smsrwr October 12, 2004
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