Cool is a word like no other. It describes something that is good in a way that no other word can. It will never go out of fashion because it is such a broad statement. Even though it is similar to words like awesome, good, great, etc nothing can really replace it.
Guy#1 "look at me i can piss in the back of peoples cars"
Guy#2 "wow you cool..."

Dude#1 "that's a pretty sweet ride"
Dude#2 "yep yep... pretty cool"
by riverfool March 7, 2009
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-When someone is "cool" they are popular, suave, and you like them.

-something neat and pleasing.

-"That's good, and interesting." You say that version of cool when you're not really listening.
1.Look at Fonzie. He is so cool.

2.Your car is so cool!

3."I just got a new car." "Cool."
by Newbia April 27, 2004
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To wear a kilt and drink wine by yourself.
Damn, ryan is so cool in the OG Glasgow kilt.
by Kaitisms August 10, 2017
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The plural of Cool. Used to indicate that more than one thing is cool.
Man, those cars are cools!
by Stabbyraccoon December 8, 2007
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Being “cool” is when a person looks or acts truly like themselves!!

It’s not about who had the most swag or who’s got the best outfit on. Cool is knowing who you are and sticking to it. It’s about fitting in or trying to plz others either.

Cool is an exciting thing that someone does or will do to. It’s what excites that individual persons mind. So it will most def be different for everyone!!

Cool has no limits or rules/ guidelines you have to follow. It’s about you enjoying whatever it is you or someone else is doing. Calling a person cool is like giving mutual respect to their actions and personality.

Being “cool” has such a stereotype with it. You don’t have to “fit in” to be cool. You don’t have to cover up your true personality to be cool. You just have live laugh love your life.

To me that will forever be the definition of cool!!!
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by that little reggid March 12, 2019
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Anything above 5Ft 2” and doesn’t have weak roasts.
by Dictionary10101 November 17, 2017
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