A term to replace the word sex. A way to keep the conversation PG with everyone thinking you mean coffee, but you really don't.
Guy 1: Dude, that girl is really hot!

Guy 2: Man I'd love to have coffee with her.
by coffee-grinder October 8, 2010
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kaw-fee-fool, kof-ee-fool, Adj.

1. To be full on coffee and have no further appetite.
2. To be restless or hyper due to drinking caffeinated coffee in excess.
I ordered a bagel but got coffeeful and now don't want it.

Drinking coffee at 2AM has made me so coffeeful that I think I will go for a run.
by Wordasaurus Text March 3, 2013
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The black juice that keeps mankind running.
Man, I need my coffee to get through the day.
by Fetxch March 16, 2020
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Nectar of the Gods. Coffee is a magical drink made of nothing more then a great-smelling bean and water, then heated to bring out the flavor. Coffee is like a great-tasting energy drink that is actually completely healthy for you! It has amazing health benefits such as; Lowering the risk of Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, Colon Cancer, Headaches, and risk of Cavities! Plus it's addictive! I CAN'T STOP SHAKING!!! At least Coffee addiction is better then Meth addiction!
Man: Dude, why are you shaking so much?

Dude: Coffee, Man! COFFEE!
by Splek February 17, 2009
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A sacred substance used to awaken half of the U.S. population, especially before one must leave to go to his or her job in the morning. Some do not properly function until they have had their coffee in the a.m. hours of the day.
Gomer: Hey Earl, how you doin?
Earl: *Groan* Ehhhhhhhhh. Drink need coffee yet.
Gomer: Well put, Earl. Well put.
by Beat Master Skizzy Wizzy June 10, 2010
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The life source to natives of New Jersey. Commonly found in many bottomless cups at any given diner. It sobers, it rejuvinates, it's you're only friend at 3:00 A.M. when that morning paper is due.
Man in a diner: "I'll have some coffee"
by Andy May 7, 2003
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Herman: "Hey Stu, why do you like coffee?"
Stu: "Because it's the only socially acceptable way to drink cream."
by wikibeast April 9, 2010
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