Blaming one for an unrelated action of another because your opinion.
Making up newspeak like stochastic terrorism, it makes the newspeak term stochastic censorship relevant. Blaming one for an unrelated action of another because your opinion.
by Fnu lnu November 22, 2022
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Someone who spends much of his time finding new and better ways to help others get around internet censorship or word filters. Often students or people in highly censored countries. Usually the people that believe firmly in freedom of information and free speech.
Kid: Hey, this suxxors, i can't get to youtube at school.
Censorship cowboy: Here, try this. It works every time.
Kid: Thanks man! You rock!
by Jason Zig February 24, 2008
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(n) a suppression of certain types of definitions without explanation on a supposedly free Internet forum
Sometimes new definitions submitted to this website become ghost posts; this is a form of Urban Censorship. One tends to wonder why a short and simple definition for one-termer was confirmed but never posted while a huge definition for Operation Iraqi Freedom that rambles on an on for several pages is allowed to remain.
by fduck January 12, 2004
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A really funny segment of the Jimmy Kimmel show that features a tribute to the FCC, in which they bleep and blur the week in television whether it needs it or not.
"Blacks are gagging on the *** but not yet ready to swallow the ****." Unnecessary Censorship
by What's a name? July 31, 2006
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If I kept entering entries like this, soon will be banned in mainland China.
The example of internet censorship: see
by Peevee September 11, 2006
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After google purchased youtube, google went all out nazi and censored anything that could be censored. Sexuality, violence, even swearing in some cases. They also decided to censor channels for video game developers so people who are 16 or 17 couldn't see trailers for new games that are rate M because they were just a little bit younger than 18. This demonstrates google's faggottry and complete disregard for the community. If you thought the new lay out is bad, this is WAY WORSE!!
*trailer for new black ops map pack is out* "Sweet let's see what we've got." *clicks on video* "What!? I'm not old enough? I'm 17 for fuck sakes. Fuck youtube censorship."
by annnnonnnnymous August 28, 2011
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