"Shit I have Catfish"
by Xman_Slayer January 14, 2020
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So its basically where you pretend to be someone on the interenet that you're not.
i have pranked Gavin so many times, now It's time to catfish prank him!
by cheesborgor May 7, 2020
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A. A male or female who, when intoxicated, reverts to a primitive state in which they blindly wonder around looking for someone to fuck. Usually these sloppy-drunk animals sift through a series of rejections until some poor, skanky soul gives it up. While in "catfish mode," these individuals aren't thinking logically, and will only react to the prospect of immediate ejaculation.
"Aaron went with that skank to the strip club in the hood just to try and nail her."

Yea, he was tryin to smash with everyone last night.

"Too bad he pissed himself, she was DTF. She left him at her friends place to go fuck her ex."

What a Catfish.
by moneymike69 November 21, 2011
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A person that conspicuously leads another on to an idea of affection when there is none.
Alysona totally catfished me. She is a catfish.
by Toepuka October 1, 2015
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A girl most likely named Nadine. She spends most of her time online and that is the only life she has. Be cautious, everything she says is a lie. Deceptive to the core and a sociopath. She may seem genuine but trust me, it's a facade. Not to be trusted.
Beware of the catfish.
by destroyaho September 17, 2013
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A simple man, with simple needs. He is honest, supportive, funny, caring, loving, handsome, gentle, cuddly, humble, and loves junk food. He can make you smile and laugh and he can take your breath away. He likes to play with your hair, kiss your forehead, hold your hand, and call you for no reason to talk about nothing for hours. There is no question when he looks at you, he looks straight into your soul and you know that he loves you unconditionally. He is the most amazing man in the world and every moment of my life would be better if I could spend it with him. He is my soul mate, my best friend, and my everything.
I love Catfish, he is my whole world.
by Fiesty Squirrel September 28, 2011
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